Much of the decor has been DIYed by Trambadia. Naturally creative, he sees empty rooms as blank canvases to express himself— perhaps best exemplified by a meticulous, swirling tree-of-life mural in the guest bedroom that he hand-painted. This creativity is largely informed by Trambadia’s South Asian roots. His parents immigrated to the U.S. in the 1970s, and he became fascinated with all things India from a young age. Now, he carries on ancient legacies of craftsmanship from the subcontinent in fresh ways across the ocean in America, where he lives with his wife and two children. Ahead, Trambadia shares more about his infatuation with color, special family heirlooms, and indoor swing installation — which he, of course, DIYed himself.

When did you first discover your home and what about it appealed to you? 

We first found our place when hunting for a new home for our growing family. I instantly fell in love with the amount of light the home receives, especially in the afternoons through the large windows. I also loved the two-story family room and open floor plan. 

How would you describe your style and approach to decorating your space? 

 My style is a fusion of midcentury modern with traditional South Asian features. I wanted my South Asian heritage to be strongly represented in our home and try to do that with art throughout.  I approach decorating a space by first visualizing a layout with good flow. I have a good sense of dimension and space and can usually do this without drawing anything out. I then like to invest in some staple pieces that are classic and can grow with changing times. Once those are in comes the fun part of adding accent pieces, accessories, and art. This is where I like to let my personality show with my love of South Asian art. From fabrics in throw pillows to sculptures on shelves, there are so many ways to incorporate the arts into the space.  Color is also a big part of South Asian culture and I try not to shy away from it. While walls are an easy way to add color, though, I prefer it in smaller accents and art.

How do you incorporate Indian elements in your home?

 My Indian heritage is a big part of my style. I like to keep the larger pieces of furniture contemporary or midcentury, but then add accent pieces which are rooted in traditional Indian arts. Sometimes it is a camel bone-carved coffee table, while other times it is a block-printed cushion cover. 

Any other cultures you take design notes from?

 I am drawn to those cultures that embrace color and vibrancy. I lean into Latin American cultures since they share that in common South Asian culture. 

What were the greatest finds in your home? Can you share a story behind any of them?

 The greatest finds for me have been items that have been in our family. My family comes from a small village in the state of Gujarat, India where hand-embroidery with mirrors was a large part of the culture. I found pieces hidden in my parents home that were embroidered by my great-grandmother. I love incorporating those pieces in my design. While they would traditionally just be hung on walls, I was able to frame them to give them a contemporary upgrade.  I also love supporting modern Indian artists and art and was able to score a large painting by contemporary artist Suresh Gulage that has become a focal point for one of our spaces.

Do you have a favorite design feature or room? If so, where is it and what makes it unique?

 My favorite design feature has to be our sunroom with a large indoor swing. Indoor-outdoor swings [also known as jhulas] are a very common feature in homes in India and have a long tradition. I wanted to incorporate that into our home but at the same time have it flow with the rest of the space.  These types of swings are typically bolted to the ceilings, so I knew it would be a challenging install. I was fortunate to find one that has features of a traditional Indian swing such as the brass chains while still feeling contemporary. The swing is the focal point of the room and definitely makes it a unique space.  

Where in your home do you spend the most time, and what are you usually doing there?

 Currently, it’s the sunroom. I love sitting on the swing, reading, and taking in the sun.