Choosing the best lights for your hydro system can be daunting. There are many options on the market. Factors should include your system size and what type of plants you are growing. Some types may be better than others, or more efficient. Outside, a vegetable garden requires around eight hours of direct sun per day. Artificial lighting for a hydroponic garden should imitate direct and indirect sunlight requirements. Allow for at least 14 to 16 hours of artificial light, followed by 10 to 12 hours of darkness every day for annuals. Darkness is as vital as light for plants—they need time to rest and metabolize food, just like animals. Perennials require a stricter calculation for the lighting schedule to bring the plants through the vegetative (growth) and flowering (production) stages. The easiest way to maintain a lighting schedule is with an automatic electric timer. They are worth the investment because one small mistake or simply forgetting to turn the lights on or off has the potential to dramatically affect your plants’ growth and production rates.

Different Plants, Different Needs

An electronic timer is especially necessary if you are growing a variety of different plants. Although you can follow the general guidelines above and have success, some plants do much better with longer or shorter periods of “daylight.” If you have a mix of these in your garden, you will need to figure out a custom schedule. An electric timer allows you to take care of this hassle-free and change it according to your needs as your garden evolves. Short-day plants: These require a long period of darkness to photosynthesize and produce flowers. If they are exposed to more than 12 hours of light per day, they will not flower. Poinsettias, strawberries, cauliflower, and chrysanthemums are short-day plants. The short-day cycle mimics nature’s environment for plants that flower in the spring. Long-day plants: These require up to 18 hours of sunlight per day. They include wheat, lettuce, potatoes, spinach, and turnips. The long-day cycle mimics the natural environment of summer-flowering plants. Day-neutral plants: These are the most flexible. They produce fruit no matter the level of light exposure. Examples include rice, eggplant, roses, and corn. If you decide to mix short- and long-day plants in one growing system, it is best to compromise their needs and pick a lighting schedule that is right in the middle: around 14 hours of light per day.

Lighting System Components

All hydro lighting systems have four main parts: the bulb, reflector hood, remote ballast, and timer.


The most common types of bulbs are LED, fluorescent, metal halide (MH), and high-pressure sodium (HPS).

LEDs (light-emitting diodes) are one of the newest forms of hydroponic lighting. They are the most cost-efficient and energy-efficient methods of lighting. LED grow lights are often sold as either square panels or tubes similar to fluorescents.Fluorescent bulbs work well for starting seeds and the beginning stages of seedlings. The low heat output allows seeds to grow without getting burned or dried out. They also work well for growing salad greens and flowers. Metal halide (MH) bulbs offer strong all-around light. They are good for long-day plants that require more light. MH bulbs help plants that have just finished sprouting and are now entering the growing or vegetating stage. High-pressure sodium (HPS) bulbs are the best choice for the flowering or fruiting stage of your plants. They are more expensive, so they are often used in combination with an MH bulb (used during vegetative state) to save money on replacement costs. Although they are more expensive initially, HPS bulbs last up to twice as long as MH, up to five years. But, like MH lights, they lose effectiveness with use and may need to be replaced as often as every two years, based on how much use they get.

Reflector hood

The reflector hood is a reflective casing around the bulb. It increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the bulb by reflecting the light down onto the plants at multiple angles, giving a more effective spread. This also allows you to use lights that give off less heat, saving on electricity and cooling costs.

Remote ballast

The ballast is a power box that powers the light. Ballasts are sometimes sold as a part of the lamp assembly, but these are usually far too hot and heavy. Remote ballasts are much better for home systems. This is the most expensive element of the lighting system, so it must be kept off the ground to ensure that it never gets wet in case of a flood or leak. It is recommended to buy the ballast as a set with the bulb because they must match each other in wattage.


Timers are the least expensive piece of the lighting system, but they are incredibly important. They must be heavy-duty and grounded (three-pronged plug) but can be either manual or electric. Manual timers use pins and have two plugs on either side so that you can attach two grow lights at once.