Why Become a Seed Saver?

The bottom line reason for saving seeds is because you have a plant you love and want to grow it again. It could be the perfect blue campanula, the best tasting tomato or a champion pumpkin. You never know when a seed company will discontinue your favorite seed to make way for new varieties. Saving your own seed is the only guarantee.

What Seeds Can Be Saved?

Open pollinated or heirloom, self-pollinated plants are the only varieties that will grow true from seed, meaning the seedlings will be exactly like the parents. These are the seeds worth saving. Seeds that have been hybridized will grow into a variety of plants with some characteristics of either or both parents. Many, if not most, of the plants being sold on the market today, are hybrids. Hybridizing can create a plant with desirable traits and affords some job security for the seed company. Seed saving is not really an option with hybrids unless you want to discover something new. You could, however, taking cuttings of your desirable plants to propagate them. Additionally, plants that are pollinated by insects or the wind might have cross-pollinated with plants from another variety and again, will not grow true. To save seeds from these plants requires a bit of extra care, as explained below. All that said, many plants will grow true from seed and saving and sharing these seeds has given birth to the seed savers phenomenon. Self-pollinated plants are the easiest to save and include beans, chicory, endive, lettuce, peas, and tomatoes. You can also save heirloom flower seeds such as cleome, foxglove, hollyhock, nasturtium, sweet pea, and zinnia.

Saving Seed From Plants That Cross-Pollinate

To gather pure seeds from plants that cross-pollinate with others in their species, you will need to physically separate the different species from one another. This can be accomplished by:

Planting only one variety of a species.Planting different varieties at a distance from each other. Different plants require different distances and the distance can be substantial. Peppers require about 500 feet and squash plants would need a half-mile.Plant varieties that flower at different times.Using a physical barrier, such as a row cover or bag. You would need to cover one variety at a time so that each variety is allowed enough exposure time to be pollinated among its own kind.

Methods and Timing for Saving Seeds

Always choose the best quality plants, flowers, fruits, and vegetables from which to save seeds. Look for disease resistance, vigor, great flavor, and productivity. Next year’s plants will only be as good as this year’s seed. The right time to harvest seeds is:

When the seed pods have dried on the plant (flowers, beans, broccoli, lettuce, etc.). Be observant as the pods start to brown. Most seed pods will open and disperse on their own. You can catch seed by placing small bags over the seed heads when they look ready to pop or by pulling the plant just before completely dry and storing upside down in a paper bag.ORWhen the vegetable is fully ripe (tomatoes, squash, peppers, eggplant, etc.). The vegetables will be well past their edible stage when the seeds are ready. For most vegetables, you can simply scoop out and dry the seeds. Tomatoes require a wet processing method.

Storing Saved Seeds

Make sure the seed is completely dry, or it will rot or grow mold in storageRemove as much of the chaff as possibleStore in a paper envelope, labeled with the variety and yearPlace the envelope into an airtight container, such as a canning jarStore in a cool, dark, dry placeStored seed is best used the following year

Seed saving can quickly become a hobby and you’ll be in good company. Many organizations, local and worldwide, list and share their saved seed. Growing plants from seeds saved from your own garden, will, over the years, result in plants uniquely adapted to your garden. Think of it, seeds are probably the only heirloom that becomes more valuable with use!