If you’re nodding your head to this—you’re not alone! Mama, we see you. So, whether your floor is covered with your toddler’s toys or your teen’s homework papers litter every free counter surface, here are some mom-hacks for making your home look nice (even if it’s not).

1. Use Bins to Create an ‘Organized Chaos’ of Paperwork

From art pages to miscellaneous permission forms, if you have kids, the paperwork is endless. And if you’re not careful, some of the important stuff will inevitably get lost, or worse, find its way into the trash. Even the most careful and conscious mamas will agree—it’s hard to keep track of everyone’s stuff all the time. This is why it’s so important to implement those mom-approved home hacks to make sense of the mess. Your first step is to purchase bins—any kind will do—to navigate the paperwork piles. You can get crafty and label these bins with your family members’ names or you can keep things simple and color-coded. Regardless of how you set it all up, it’s a simple way to organize the proverbial chaos and keep things where they should be.  

2. Make Your Children’s Art an Intentional Area of Your Wall(s)

There’s something sweet and sentimental about your kids’ wall art. Whether your oldest is three and finger-painting the heck out of any page they can get their hands on, or twenty-three and you’re still hanging their college essays on the fridge (because, let’s admit it, they’re never too old for that praise)—there is something special about wall art—especially when it’s hung with intention. Designate an area of your fridge, your living room wall, or even your windows to display your children’s best creations. If you’re feeling really ambitious, you can even match the art pieces with the paint or other décor to make them look as if they’re truly a part of the design.

3. Use Fabric Drawers and a Square-Hole Shelf to Hide the ‘Stuff’

No matter how many times you pick up the toys, sweep the floors, and tell your kids to put their belongings away, there is always ‘stuff’ lying around. But, the good thing is that you don’t have to stress about having a proper place for everything. Enter: ‘The Junk Drawers.’
If you don’t have existing free drawers, for under $50 you can purchase square cut-out shelves and colored fabric drawers or baskets to create an intentional space for this ‘stuff.’ The best part? It actually looks good.

4. Label Your Laundry Hampers by Color or Load Type

Let’s face it—there’s nothing pretty about laundry. But no matter who you are, laundry is a part of life. You might as well make it a little fancier. Feel free to get as crazy as you want with this: hampers with laminated labels for whites and darks, neutral-colored baskets that match the ambiance of your bathroom, or even frames or farmhouse-style signs above the hampers as an intentional part of the décor. How you want to make your laundry look is up to you, but a small shift in how you present the space can make all the difference.

5. Create Intentional Sections for School Items

As a mom, you know firsthand how truly irritating it is to constantly chase your children around the house and ask them to hang their coats in their closets, move dirty shoes, and empty their school satchel. (The list goes on). One of the best mom-hacks for making your home look nice is to make specific spaces where these items can be kept. Shoe bins by the front door, hangers with your kids’ names engraved above their hooks, or ‘cubbies’ where backpacks, lunch boxes, and other school items can be stored.

6. Let the Clutter Become the Décor

Here’s the thing, mama. The house is never going to be perfect. (And that’s okay). But there’s something to be said for embracing the clutter—and making it become a part of your space. Why not make a rotating ‘Celebratory Section’ on your wall or fridge where you can periodically hang your children’s best papers and projects. Install wire wall bins with chalkboard names for storage, or, have even more fun with something like this ‘Lost Socks’ wall hanging for stubborn clothing items that can never seem to find their match (yup, I’m guilty of impulse-buying this one).

7. Make Your Bed (Seriously)

One of the easiest and best mom-hacks for making your home look nice is to make your bed. Honestly, this isn’t as hard as you think. Plus, carving the intentional few minutes at the start of every day can help you to feel accomplished before even tackling your to-do list. Making your bed is also a no-brainer way to have your space look and feel presentable with minimal effort.