Identify Breeding European Starlings

In breeding plumage, the adult European starling is an attractive bird with bright colors and sleek iridescence. To identify these birds, look for…

Identify Non-Breeding Starlings

A non-breeding European starling is much less colorful than during the breeding season, and its heavily marked plumage can make it seem like a completely different species. To properly identify these fall and winter starlings, look for the following field marks…

Juvenile Starling Identification

Like many passerines, young starlings are far less boldly marked than adult birds. This camouflage helps protect the young birds from predators, but birders who know the field marks to check can easily identify even fledgling European starlings. To identify a young starling, check for…

Identify a Molting Starling

When young starlings molt, their appearance changes drastically and the mottled color changes can confuse birders of all experience levels. By knowing what clues to look for, it is easier to properly identify these teenage starlings. For molting starling identification, watch for these field marks: European starlings (called common starlings in Europe) are one of the world’s most numerous bird species, but with such bold differences between juvenile, breeding, and non-breeding plumages, it can be confusing to identify these birds at different times of the year. By understanding the key field marks for different ages and plumages, birders can avoid undue confusion whenever a starling comes to visit.