How to Grow Tillandsia

Tillandsias prefer to be mounted on a solid substrate that does not retain water. You can glue your tillandsia directly to the surface with a strong adhesive, or you can wire the plant to the base. Glue tillandsias to cork, coral, stone, or driftwood. Only a few varieties can adapt to soil.Don’t cover the base of the plant with moss or it may rot. Tillandsia can be grown on almost any imaginable decorative mount, including shells, rocks, slate, and more. Group them in decorative clumps for maximum effect. Two varieties—T. cyanea and T. lindenii—can be adapted to soil.


Bright light, but not direct sunlight. A south, east or west window is perfect. They can also be grown under fluorescent tubes.


Water 2 to 4 times a week with a mister. If your environment is dry, mist daily. Water until the plant is saturated.

Temperature and Humidity

Some varieties can withstand near freezing temperatures, but most will thrive between 70 F and 85 F. High humidity is a bonus.


Use a low-copper liquid fertilizer, diluted to 1/4 strength. Feed monthly.


Tillandsias reproduce by putting out offsets, or pups, from the base of the mother plant. When the pups are half the size of the mother, they can be divided and mounted on their own. Tillandsias can also be grown from seed, but this is a slow process that might take years.

Types of Tillandsia

There are many hundreds of species of tillandsia. Some of the more popular ones include: T. ionantha, T. xerographica, T. caput-medusae, and T. circinnata. Spanish moss is T. usneoides. The growing requirements for various species are similar. Two varieties, T. cyanea and T. lindenii, are often sold under the label “Pink Quill” plants and can be grown in soil. Other species are less adaptable.

Grower’s Tips

Tillandsias can be wonderfully rewarding plants—their leaves often blush amazing colors before a bloom. A well-kept collection looks like a healthy coral reef. The most common mistakes made with tillandsia are not providing enough water and overfertilizing. If the leaves start to curl under, the plant is likely gasping for water. Submerge it overnight in the kitchen sink and it will come back. Finally, like epiphytic orchids, they require lots of fresh air, so don’t suffocate the plants with moss.