If you’re interested in growing fruit organically, figs are a great place to start because these trees need very little in the way of fertilization and are not bothered by many pests and diseases. Even if you don’t end up harvesting the fruit, these fast-growing deciduous shrubs or trees are popular in terms of their ornamental value. They have a spreading habit and attractive lobed leaves. The flowers are insignificant, but they form into fleshy fruit that start off green and turn purple when ripe. They can be planted during their dormancy period of early spring or late fall. Positioning in a sheltered area is best in order to protect them from harsh weather. The south or southwest side of your house is an ideal spot. It is generally recommended that you plant figs an inch or two lower than they were growing in their original nursery pot. This helps protect the shallow root system from temperature extremes and drought, and will not harm the plant.


Figs need a full eight hours of sun to produce well. They can also grow in part shade but their fruit production may not be as prolific.


Good drainage is key for healthy growth. Although figs can grow in a wide variety of soils, they have a preference for loamy types. Heavy, wet soil can result in an overly leggy plant that will not produce as much fruit.


During the growing season, give your fig tree regular waterings which can be reduced towards the end of fall. Generally, this will be at least an inch per week for those planted in the ground, and as needed for those planted in containers.

Temperature and Humidity

Known for coping in a wide range of temperatures, there are many different fig tree cultivars and this can impact how cold-hardy they are. If you live in a cooler region and would prefer not to overwinter the tree indoors, it is worth doing your research to select one of the most cold-hardy varieties.


Whether you are planting in the ground or in a pot, you should not add any additional fertilizer to the soil at planting time. This will just result in lots of weak, bushy growth. Each spring, topdress the soil around your fig with an inch or two of compost. This is all the fertilization your fig will need. Additional fertilizer will result in lots of leaves and no fruit production. However, if you notice that the plant doesn’t seem to be producing many leaves, feed it with manure tea or fish emulsion in early summer.

Common Fig Tree Varieties

There are many Ficus carica cultivars, but if you are looking for a cold-hardy type then ‘Brown Turkey’, widely grown ‘Celeste’, or ‘Chicago Hardy’ are all readily available and known for tolerating cold snaps well.


Figs are ready to harvest when the “neck” area (the narrow area where the fruit connects to the plant) starts to shrivel a bit and the fruits droop on the plants. If, when you pick them, you notice a milky liquid coming from the stem, they are not quite ripe yet. Wait a couple more days to harvest any others. To avoid getting any sap on your hands, wear gloves when harvesting.


If you are growing your fig in the ground, you can train it against a wall or fence to make it easier to harvest and to protect the branches from the elements. You don’t really need to prune figs planted in the ground, other than to remove dead branches. If you are growing your fig in a container, don’t prune during the first year. Starting in the second year, you can cut each branch down by about half to keep the plant manageable. Just make sure that you are making your cuts above a node to encourage lateral growth and fruit production.

How to Grow Fig Trees in Pots

If you are planting in containers, use a pot that is at least 18 inches across and at least 1 foot deep. Fill it with a good quality organic potting soil, and, if at all possible, leave three to four inches of space between the top of the soil and the rim of the pot. This will allow for plenty of space to topdress your fig with compost every spring. Any pot you use should have good drainage; make sure there are plenty of drainage holes so your fig doesn’t become waterlogged and rot.


In USDA zones 6 and above, you can generally plant right in the ground and get a good crop of figs. In zones 5 and below, growing in a container (which you can shelter in a covered porch or garage during the winter) is probably your best bet. However, there are cold-hardy figs available on the market.

Common Pests/Diseases

Figs really aren’t bothered by many pests and diseases. Root-knot nematodes can be a problem in some areas. These soilborne pests are not usually detected until plant vigor has been affected. The nematodes attack the roots, causing galls that prevent adequate water and nutrient uptake. The best way to prevent it is to be sure to plant in nematode-free soil—a soil test is the best way to ensure this. The other major problem you’ll deal with is birds and other animals going after the nearly-ripe fruit. You can protect your fruit with netting or cages covered with floating row covers until the fruits are ready to harvest.