Huernia zebrina is a unique small perennial succulent that grows in a creeping pattern. You might think that a plant that stunning is difficult to grow but it’s not, it is actually low maintenance, as long as it’s in a pot with the right potting soil and excellent drainage, and watered correctly. One warning though: Huernia zebrina’s striking flowers, which it produces generously from late spring through summer, emit a strong odor, unpleasant to the human nose but designed by nature to attract pollinators. The odor is often compared to carrion, the decaying flesh of dead animals, hence the other common name, carrion flower.


The proper amount of light is very important for Huernia zebrina. In its native range in southern Africa, it’s an understory plant. An eastern- or western-facing window that provides partial shade is best. Southern exposure with midday sun and extreme heat will stress the plant and make it susceptible to disease. Depending on the amount of light, the thick, angular stems with soft spikes are deep green in low light and turn red in strong sunlight.


The right soil is crucial to successfully growing Huernia zebrina. Both the soil and the pot need excellent drainage. Unglazed pots are best because they allow excess moisture to evaporate. For the soil, use a special cactus or succulent potting mix, which contains both inorganic elements such as sand and perlite, and organic matter, and is fast-draining.


Like all succulents, Huernia zebrina does not like much moisture so watering the right amount at the right time is crucial. During the growing season, starting in April or May and throughout the summer, it needs watering when the soil feels dry when you put your finger into the top inch. Water slowly until water runs out of the drainage hole, and empty the saucer so no water remains. Only water again when the soil has dried out again. On hot summer days, this can happen fast so check the soil regularly. During the winter, the plant goes dormant and needs almost no water, about once a month.

Temperature and Humidity

Huernia zebrina is sensitive to frost but you can move it to your patio or porch during the summer months, provided you can provide a spot where it is protected from the hot midday sun. Be aware that outdoors, the soil will dry out more quickly so adjust the watering accordingly.


As you start watering the plant more regularly in the spring when the growing season starts, fertilize once a month, either with a special liquid succulent plant food or a complete granular fertilizer, using half the amount specified on the product label. Do not add any more fertilizer starting in late August as the plant approaches dormancy.

Types of Huernia Zebrina

Huernia zebrina variegata is a rare variety with variegated leaves.

Propagating Huernia Zebrina

You can easily propagate the plant during the growing season. Cut a piece of stem with a sharp knife and let it dry out on a paper towel for a few days. It will callous over, at which point you can plant it in a pot filled with fresh potting soil. Dusting the lower third or half with rooting hormone will help it get established. Keep the soil slightly damp by spraying it lightly with water when it feels dry. Once you see new growth, it’s a sign that it has rooted, and you can follow the regular watering schedule above.

Potting and Repotting Huernia Zebrina

Huernia zebrina generally does not outgrow its container. It’s fine if it tightly fills the pot because that limits its growth and keeps the plant nicely compact. It will benefit from fresh potting soil about every two years but won’t necessarily need a larger pot.


Once the temperature drops to 50 degrees F, which might happen at nighttime even when the days are still warm, it’s time to bring the plant indoors where it will survive the winter.

How to Get Huernia Zebrina to Bloom

Light is the most important determinant of blooming (as long as the plant is kept at appropriate temperatures and watered only as needed). Too little sunlight will discourage blooming, but too much may scald the leaves and also deter the plant from flowering. Blooming happens throughout the summer growing season; the plant is generally dormant through the winter.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Huernia zebrina can attract mealybugs. Root rot and stem rot can also become an issue when the plant is stressed, such as from overwatering. Stem rot manifests itself in soft dark spots. Use a sharp blade to promptly cut off any affected tissue, and make sure to clean the blade with a 10% bleach solution, one part bleach to nine parts water, between each cut, to prevent spreading the disease.