One variety that is increasingly sought after is the Philodendron gloriosum. This vulnerable Colombian native isn’t a climbing epiphyte like many species in the genus. Instead, the heartleaf-shaped, velvety foliage with eye-catching white veins has a creeping, ground-crawling habit. Part of the appeal of this plant is its forgiving, low-maintenance nature. It’s the perfect tropical houseplant for even the most brown-thumbed plant lover. Just keep the plant out of reach of inquisitive four-legged friends. The Philodendron gloriosum is toxic to people and pets.


To maximize the health and size of the gloriosum’s foliage, you should offer it plenty of bright, indirect light. A west- or east-facing window with morning sun and filtered afternoon light usually work well. Too much direct sun can scorch the leaves and result in droopy growth, but dim conditions mean this slow-growing plant won’t develop well and can become overly leggy.


Potting mixes for aroid species are widely available. If you can’t find one or you want to make your own, make sure it is loose and well-draining to help prevent root rot. One part standard potting mix, one part orchid bark, and one part perlite works well.


Your Philodendron gloriosum is sensitive to overwatering. Root rot is common if this plant has wet feet or the pot has poor drainage. It’s best to wait for the top 2 to 3 inches of potting mix to dry out before watering, and don’t panic if you forget to water occasionally.

Temperature and Humidity

They do well in most home spaces, but it’s not uncommon to find these tropical plants in bathrooms⁠—they love warmth and humidity⁠. If you regularly have temperatures dipping below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, you’d be better off selecting plants that can handle colder conditions. They also appreciate high humidity (over 50 percent). If you have dry air blasting from your air conditioning, consider using a humidifier and putting your gloriosum on a pebbled-filled tray with water.


Using a half-strength liquid fertilizer every month or two during the growing season can encourage more vigorous and healthy foliage on this slow-growing plant. But they aren’t heavy feeders, and too much fertilization can cause root burn and yellowing leaves.


There aren’t any high-maintenance requirements for pruning your Philodendron gloriosum. It’s just a case of removing unhealthy, straggly, or dead foliage. That way, all the energy goes into the growth of the new, healthier foliage.

Propagating Philodendron Gloriosum

Unlike the vining philodendron species, propagation is best done via vegetative rhizomes cuttings (the underground stem from this creeping variety). Follow these steps for a chance of success:

Potting and Repotting Philodendron Gloriosum

With its spreading, crawling growth habit, a pot that is more wide than deep is appreciated by the Philodendron gloriosum—a long, narrow, and rectangular shape works well. It also needs to be one with good drainage holes—you want to avoid wet feet. However, with its slow-growing habit, you probably won’t need to repot the plant more than every two or three years. Look out for the plant starting to lean out over the edge of the pot, growth slowing, and new leaves reducing in size. These are typical signs it is becoming rootbound and ready for repotting.

Common Problems With Philodendron Gloriosum

While this plant is known for being low-maintenance and trouble-free, it still needs the right conditions to thrive. The issues below are common signs you aren’t giving your Philodendron gloriosum quite what it needs.

Leaves Turning Yellow

If your plant has yellowing leaves it isn’t necessarily something to worry about. Old foliage at the base of the plant can start to yellow and drop as part of the natural cycle. If it’s happening with newer foliage, this can be a sign of over or underwatering or overfeeding your plant.

Drooping Leaves

The most common reason you might start to see those gorgeous leaves droop is not getting the moisture levels right. Wet feet and subsequent root rot are the most serious issue, but letting the plant dry out too much is another reason.

Browning Tips

If your Philodendron gloriosum isn’t getting enough moisture (through watering or humidity) or it is being subject to too much direct sun, then leaf scorch, starting on the tips, is common. Consider the location of your plant carefully, and consider using a humidifier if your home is dry.