These flowers are best planted in the spring after the threat of frost has passed, and they have a fairly quick growth rate, blooming about two months after sprouting from seeds. Reliably hardy in zones 10 to 11, these tender perennials are planted as annuals in other climate zones. While there are more than 70 species in the genus, most African daisies sold in the trade are cultivars and hybrids derived from O. ecklonis, O. jucundum, and a few other species. These flowers are fairly low-maintenance when grown in an environment they like. Make sure they have lots of sun and soil with good drainage. Plan to water and fertilize regularly throughout the growing season (spring to fall). Also, deadhead the plants (remove the spent blooms) to encourage reblooming.


African daisies bloom best in full sun. They can tolerate partial shade, but this will likely cause them to produce fewer flowers. The blooms generally open in response to light and close at night and during overcast weather. However, some newer cultivars, including ‘4D Pink’, ‘4D Silver’, and ‘4D Berry’, remain open at night.

Planting and Soil

African daisies prefer organically rich soil with sharp drainage and a slightly acidic soil pH. Add compost or other organic matter to the soil at the time of planting to improve drainage and add nutrients. Plant them at least 12 inches apart to give them room to spread, as some varieties can stretch out to about 12 inches wide.


Although somewhat drought-tolerant once established, African daisies still need at least 1 inch of water per week to grow their best. During periods of drought or intense heat, the plants will slow down and go dormant. Aim to keep the soil evenly moist. But don’t overwater, as soggy soil can encourage diseases such as root rot.

Temperature and Humidity

African daisies prefer mild weather, which is when they bloom most profusely. They can handle nighttime temperatures down to about 40 degrees Fahrenheit, though frost will damage or kill them. Humidity typically isn’t an issue for them, as long as they have good air circulation and proper watering and soil drainage.


These flowers like a lot of food to grow and bloom at their best. Besides mixing compost into the soil, apply a balanced fertilizer for flowering plants monthly throughout the growing season. Potted plants may require even more frequent feeding.

Types of African Daisy

There are dozens of African daisy species and varieties, including:

Osteospermum ‘Passion Mix’: This compact plant reaches around a foot tall and comes in a variety of colors (pink, purple, rose, and white), all with blue centers. This is an easy variety to grow from seed and is known for its heat tolerance.Osteospermum ‘4D’: Known for their fluffy, tufted centers, these flowers remain open all day even in hot weather. The plants grow up to 14 inches tall.Osteospermum ‘FlowerPower Spider White’: These blooms have odd, spoon-shaped, white and lavender petals with a gold center. The plants grow roughly 14 inches tall.Osteospermum ‘Lemon Symphony’: This plant’s butter-yellow petals have a purple center and orange eye. This variety grows about 14 inches tall.Osteospermum ‘Pink Sugar’: Pink and orange petals that go into a gold center. This variety grows about 10 inches tall.Osteospermum ‘Ravers Hearts and Tarts’: This variety has orange and pink flowers, It grows roughly about 12 inches tall.Osteospermum ‘Sideshow Copper Apricot’: This variety has striking pale apricot flowers with a purple center disk. It grows up to 12 inches tall.Osteospermum ‘Soprano White’: The blooms on this plant are white with a blue center that is bordered by purple and yellow. It grows up to 14 inches tall.

Propagating African Daisies

The majority of African daisy varieties are hybrids and won’t grow true from seeds saved from the plants. But you can easily propagate your plants by cuttings. This is also the best way to overwinter the plant outside of its hardiness zones. To do so:

How to Grow African Daisy From Seeds

The hybrids sold in garden centers are usually not readily available as seeds, but you may be able to find seeds for some of the pure species varieties of African daisy, such as Osteospermum ecklonis. Here’s how to start the plants from seeds: About eight to 10 weeks before the last winter/spring frost, sow the seeds directly on the surface of a pot filled with ordinary potting mix. Very lightly cover the seeds (light is necessary for the seeds to germinate). Keep the seeds moist until they germinate. Grow the seedlings in bright indirect light until outdoor planting time. Plants started indoors should be hardened off for two full weeks before outdoor planting. Pinch back the seedlings immediately after planting to encourage bushier growth.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

There aren’t many pests or diseases that attack African daisies if the plants are kept stress-free in the proper environment. However, in damp or humid conditions be on the lookout for fungal problems. Such problems will present with damaged or discolored foliage. Try to improve the air circulation around your plant, which can combat fungal diseases, and use a fungicide if necessary. Some common plant pests, including whiteflies and aphids, can become a problem, especially for stressed plants. But they can be controlled with an insecticidal soap or chemical spray if caught early.

How to Get African Daisies to Bloom

African daisies generally don’t need a lot of encouragement to bloom, but like many flowering plants, regular deadheading of spent flowers will prompt additional blooming. Several conditions can cause reduced blooming:

Poor nutrition: If your plants don’t bloom well, try increasing their feeding to every two to three weeks. Potted plants in particular require more fertilizer.Extreme heat and extreme dryness: Try shading your plants and giving them extra water if they don’t bloom adequately.Insufficient light: African daisies generally tolerate partial shade, but too little sun will result in leggy plants that don’t bloom very much.

Common Problems With African Daisies

African daisies are largely trouble-free plants, but in addition to typical insect and disease issues, a couple of other common problems may occur:

Animal Damage

Groundhogs are especially fond of annuals, and flowers in particular. The only truly effective protection against feeding animals is sturdy fencing.

Diminished Blooms in Midsummer

In cooler climates, African daisies usually bloom consistently from spring to fall, but in very hot, humid climates you may see your plants go semi-dormant during the hottest weeks of midsummer. This is normal, and the plants will normally rebound as the weather cools. In these regions, it’s best to plant African daisies in partial shade.