For some reason, golden shrimp never caught on to the same degree as houseplants. There’s really no reason for this: Given the right warmth and light, and a little snipping here and there, these fast-growing plants can be wonderful and exotic additions to your collection. Be aware that the true golden shrimp plant is the Pachystachys lutea. It’s closely related to the Justicia brandegeana (syn. Beloperone guttata), but not as cold-hardy or drought-tolerant. In summer, potted shrimps can enjoy a vacation in the garden and continue to bloom. You may sink them, pot and all, to the rim, in a sunny location. Rotate the pot so roots do not go through the drainage hole and become embedded in the soil. Because of the restricted root system, the plant will need more frequent watering than plants growing in the ground. In the fall, take up the pot, cut the plant back and repot it. Or perhaps you will have a supply of new plants and will not care to overwinter the old one. It will, however, continue to bloom for several years. Golden shrimp plant doesn’t usually have many problems with diseases, but it will occasionally be infested with spider mites or scale. Both can be easily treated with insecticidal soap.


Golden shrimp do well in bright shade or morning sun; avoid mid-day sun.


Pachystachys lutea grow in most types of well-draining soil, but prefer acidic.


Golden shrimp plants need soil that’s continuously moist throughout the year, but reduce watering in winter. High humidity is preferred, so mist leaves regularly.

Temperature and Humidity

Above 60 degrees Fahrenheit is preferred in the summer for golden shrimp plants. In winter, above 55 degrees Fahrenheit is best. Avoid drafts and air-conditioning vents.


Feed golden shrimp plants in spring with slow-release pellets, or weekly, during the growing season, with liquid fertilizer.


To encourage bushiness and blooms, snip off dead bracts with clean gardening shears, and occasionally trim the plant, cutting one-third of the branches back to the stem to encourage new growth. Untrimmed, these plants will become leggy, top-heavy, and unattractive.

Propagating Golden Shrimp

Golden shrimp plants root easily from cuttings. Use a rooting hormone to increase the odds of success, and make sure your cuttings have at least four sets of leaves. Plant the cuttings directly into the soil, and keep them moist: germination can take up to 2-months.

Potting and Repotting Golden Shrimp

Golden shrimp plans tend toward legginess as they age. Repot younger plants every spring, going up one pot size. If they’re kept as perennials, refresh older pots with fresh potting soil every spring, but don’t increase pot size.


Since they are a tropical plant, hardy in USDA zones 10-11, golden shrimp can only be planted in the ground in the right climate. However, they grow well in pots that can be brought into a heated garage for the winter, just raise them from the ground so they don’t get cold feet.