Choosing the Pine Cone

While any size or shape of pine cone can be turned into an easy feeder, a larger, broader cone will hold more food for the birds and will be easier for birds to cling to, swaying less as they feed. Ideally, the cone should be fairly open, but if the cones you have available are closed, you can place them in a warm oven (150-200 degrees Fahrenheit) for several minutes to allow them to dry out a bit and open more fully. But, be sure to watch them carefully, so they do not scorch. If you do warm the cones, allow them to cool completely before turning them into bird feeders. Pine cones can be collected below pine trees in the fall. Cones that have fallen naturally are the best choice, because they will be more open and familiar to birds. Do not use scented pine cones or any decorative cones that have been painted or glittered, as those chemicals can be harmful to birds.

What You’ll Need

In addition to the pine cone, you will need several other everyday materials:

String or twine: A piece that is 8 to 10 inches long is best, but it can be longer if necessary for hanging. Yarn or ribbon is another good option and can add a burst of color to the feeding area,

Peanut butter: Any brand or type of peanut butter can be used, either crunchy or smooth, and it can be past its best by date without any trouble. If peanut butter is not available, suet, lard, or vegetable shortening is also suitable. You can also use other nut butters, such as almond or hazelnut, but avoid sugar-free varieties that don’t offer birds good energy. Birdseed: A mixed birdseed is perfect for these feeders, or straight black oil sunflower seed is also a great option. Choose the seed that will best appeal to your specific backyard birds. Pieces of nuts or small bits of fruit can also be used and will help attract more species of birds to the feeder.

Only basic tools are needed to make this feeder: a butter knife or spreader and a shallow dish or pie plate.


With only a few simple steps, you can turn a basic pine cone into a delicious bird feeder: Before you know it, your new feeder will be a hotspot for chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, crossbills, woodpeckers, and other birds. Because it is so easy to make, as soon as the birds have eaten all the treats off one cone, hang another for their hungry appetites! Adding the seed is an optional step and isn’t necessary to make a tasty, attractive bird feeder. Many birds will happily eat peanut butter by itself, even without added seed. You can also use softened suet to spread on the pine cone for a treat, with no extra seed required. If you want to make multiple pine cone bird feeders at once but don’t want to hang them out simultaneously, they can easily be frozen for several weeks. The feeders do not need to be thawed before hanging, and freezing them first can help them stay firm in warmer temperatures. Hang the pine cone bird feeder from a branch or hook, in trees or bushes for birds to find it easily or even string several together for a longer feeder to feed more birds. Because of its high-fat content, this is a perfect feeder to offer winter birds, and it is great for decorating Christmas trees for birds with natural, edible ornaments.