How Birds Lose Legs

Depending on the extent of the injury it isn’t always possible to tell how a bird was disabled, but there are many different ways a bird can have a leg or foot amputated.

Tangling: When thread, fishing line, balloon ribbon, wire, or a similar thin, durable string is tightened around a bird’s leg, it will eventually cut off circulation and cause amputation. This is particularly true if the thread is tightened so far that it cuts into the leg, or if the bird is young and still growing. Many tangles occur in the nest when hatchlings get wrapped in unsafe nesting material.Predators: A hunting predator may catch hold of a bird’s leg as the bird tries to flee. Depending on the type of predator and the strength of their grip, the leg may be broken or bitten off right away, or it may be twisted or torn off in the course of struggling as the bird escapes.Deformities: Some birds are naturally hatched with bad legs, due to deformities inside the egg. Many of these young birds will not survive to leave the nest or learn to forage effectively with the disability. If the initial deformity is not severe, however, they may mature but be handicapped with a bad or missing leg.Injuries: On rare occasions, birds may suffer unusual injuries that can lead to leg amputation. If the leg is caught, such as wedged in a niche, snapped in a rodent trap, or stuck to a glue trap, the bird may struggle and free itself, but with a bad injury that leads to the leg tissue dying and eventually falling off. Despite the severity of the injury, the bird may be able to recover and adapt to its new handicap.

Is That Leg Really Gone?

Before assuming a one-legged bird really is an amputee, it is important to know that birds can often appear to have lost a leg without really missing any limbs. Many birds tuck one leg into their plumage to warm it up on cool days, or else to keep it off a hot surface during the summer. This is a common form of temperature regulation, and any bird species could seem to be missing a leg now and then. Birders can watch carefully, however, and will notice that the birds will switch legs periodically, shifting their balance to the other leg. To truly note whether a bird has one leg, watch for movement. A one-legged bird will hop or may bounce on its abdomen. It may have more difficulty landing or perching or may seem to dip or weave as if unbalanced, without putting down that missing leg to correct itself. Right after takeoff, when most birds dangle their legs as they gain altitude, a one-legged bird will, of course, show only one leg.

When a Bird Loses a Leg

Many times when a bird is horribly injured or disabled it will not survive. Other consequences of the injury, such as weakness or infection, may take a toll as well, but some birds adapt amazingly well to being one-legged. Birds do not suffer the psychological trauma of a lost limb as humans would, but instead, adapt their behavior to compensate for the missing leg. Life is more challenging for a bird with one leg. These birds often lose their mates or have more difficulty finding a partner, particularly if the species’ courtship displays require two strong legs. If the bird needs two legs to forage, such as a double-footed scratch in leaf litter or using two sets of talons to capture prey, they must either adapt quickly or they will starve. One-legged birds are more vulnerable to predators, and their lifespans are typically shorter than uninjured birds. Birds that adapt most readily to losing a leg are generally omnivores that can take advantage of multiple food sources. They may not migrate and do not have to deal with the stresses of migration. Birds in urban or suburban habitats may adapt even more easily because of the availability of feeders, food scraps, and bird-friendly yards that provide ample resources.

Helping Disabled Birds and Minimizing Disabilities

A birder’s first instinct may be to catch a disabled bird and take it to a rescue or rehabber, hoping it can be helped. Unless a bird still has open wounds or is obviously struggling, however, attempting to rescue a one-legged bird will only cause the bird additional distress, which could itself be fatal. Instead, there are better steps to take if birders notice one-legged birds nearby.

Provide Easily Accessible, Nutritious Food: Because one-legged birds have more difficulty foraging, providing a healthy diet in an accessible feeder will give these birds more opportunities to feed. Wide platform feeders or hoppers are best, as these birds cannot balance on narrow perches very easily. Positioning these feeders away from busier feeding areas will help disabled birds avoid bully birds more easily as well. Ground feeding areas may also be easier for one-legged birds to reach. Provide Abundant Shelter: Because handicapped birds are more vulnerable to predators, they will need safe, secure shelter near any feeding area. A sturdy brush pile or coniferous plantings are useful options. Birders should take steps to discourage feral cats and other predators in the yard as well. Keep Feeders and Baths Clean: Because one-legged birds are more likely to visit easy bird feeders and baths more frequently, they are more susceptible to any contamination that may spread diseases. Regularly cleaning and disinfecting both feeders and baths will minimize that risk while still giving these birds plenty to eat and drink. Provide Safe, Appropriate Nesting Material: Birds use a wide variety of nesting material, and birders who provide bits of string, thread, or similar materials should be sure lengths are no longer than 2-3 inches to minimize tangling risk. Never offer dryer lint as nesting material because it may contain long, durable threads, and avoid any plastic strings that will not yield or soften if there are accidental tangles. Pick Up Fishing Line and String Litter: Because fishing line is the top source of tangles that can cause amputated limbs, it should always be discarded appropriately rather than left in the riparian environments so many birds favor. Similar materials, such as kite string or balloon ribbons, should also be kept out of reach of wild birds.

While it can be startling to see a one-legged bird, learning more about these injuries can help birders take steps to provide for disabled birds and minimize the risks of more injuries. At the same time, seeing how these birds adapt will strengthen any birder’s respect and appreciation for just how resilient birds can be.