If you are new to buying furniture or have discovered that the furniture you have isn’t helping you, here are some suggestions: Along with your needs, there are also constraints when it comes to furnishing. These constraints could relate to space, budget, or any other special need. Knowing both your furniture needs and constraints can help you explore furnishing possibilities better. Make this the first and most basic step of your buying process. A clear sense of style gives you the confidence to buy just the right piece. Furniture that is in keeping with your style or complements it successfully makes your space not just comfortable, but attractive as well. Having an idea of your style also gives you greater flexibility. You can potentially find it in even the most unlikely pieces of furniture. You can tie in seemingly disparate pieces to create truly unique and personal spaces. You also can find other furnishings that complement your furniture in a way that is all yours. Along with the raised awareness, there are so many misconceptions about buying green that even the most well-intentioned buyers can get confused. Sometimes it is the manufacturers who like to confuse through misleading advertising or greenwashing. Construction quality determines how long your furniture will last after you buy it and how long it will be able to retain its looks. It also determines the level of comfort you can expect to get from your pieces. Make sure you know what to look for so you can buy the best furniture you can afford, which often allots you more time before you’ll need to replace it. How can you discern high-quality wood furniture from the rest when there is such a great variety from which to choose? Before you buy any wood furniture, check for features such as sturdiness, and whether doors and drawers are properly aligned. Drawers should open and shut smoothly. Check the finish by running your hand over the furniture to feel for any imperfections or blemishes. It should feel smooth and pleasing to the touch. Even distressed furniture should have texture, but no rough patches. Another important aspect of learning how to buy furniture is to look beyond trends and buy furniture based on quality and utility. For instance, silk looks gorgeous, but will not be able to retain its looks if you place it close to a sunny window, as it is not very lightfast. Some fibers are prone to wrinkling and snagging and will not be able to withstand heavy use. Select a fiber that will not only look good but one that will also wear well in your home setting.