Here are 7 easy and natural methods for getting rid of ants in your home or yard.

What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of Ants?

It’s understandable that you’d want to get rid of ants fast, and the internet is in no short supply of all-natural ant control methods. The problem? These solutions aren’t backed by results. With natural pest control, speed shouldn’t be the primary goal; efficacy should be. Reader expectations are set high when website after website is plastered with claims that vinegar, essential oils, herbs, spices, and other strong-smelling substances will repel ants in your home. While some homeowners may have success with methods like these, overall they could make your ant problem much worse and waste precious time, energy and money. Natural pest control doesn’t always involve spraying solutions or applying homemade concoctions. In fact, sometimes the most effective pest control solutions are also the most simple. Why this works: If ants are not able to find a verified food source inside your home, they’re likely to move on with their day. Their primary interest is collecting food and signaling other ants where to find it, too. By removing potential food sources, you’re eliminating an ant buffet! Why this works: If ants can’t get it, they won’t be able to find food, and if they can’t find food, they’re not likely to become an established problem inside. Why this works: Ants are a worldwide problem, and keeping them out of your yard entirely is impossible. The main goal is to keep them outside where they belong, and plants and limbs against the home can become highways for ants hoping to get inside your home to look for food. Why this works: Pet food is a commonly overlooked ant food source. Leaving pet food around for ants can be asking for ant trouble, and if you’re leaving it outside (especially at night) you might be attracting other animals, too, like raccoons. Why this works: Leaving an unattended leak to damage the wood in your home is, in a way asking for ant trouble. Moisture-damaged wood can lead to all kinds of problems for your home, including inside ant nests—and that’s definitely not something you want to deal with. Address leaks quickly and replace any moisture-damaged wood to protect your home. Why this works: Not only will your cleaning product spot kill the ants you’re seeing, but it will also wipe up the pheromone trails the ants leave behind to signal food to their buddies. If they can’t invite their friends, they won’t want to come back and they’ll move on to find other food sources.

For sugar ants and other sweet-seeking ants: use something sweet like jelly, syrup, or honeyFor pavement ants and other ants that like protein and grease: use something like peanut butter or Nutella

Mix together 3/4 teaspoon of borax with about 1/4 cup of the sweet or savory base of your choice. Then, place the mixture where the ants will find it. If you have small kids or pets, be sure to put it out of their reach. It may be natural, but borax is still toxic. Why this works: Once consumed, borax is a slow-acting poison. The ants that consume it will be poisoned, but not before leaving scent trails that guide other ants to this new “food source”. The hope is to give them a food source so fantastic they feel the need to take it back to the queen. No queen, no eggs, no colony.